dom 14 apr
|Sale Docks
The workshop aims at creating props, puppets, banners and images to be used during a No Grandi Navi (No big Ships) demonstration on Saturday, April 20th.

Orario & Sede
14 apr 2024, 14:00 – 16 apr 2024, 17:00
Sale Docks, Fondamenta Zattere Ai Saloni, 265, 30123 Venezia VE, Italia
Info sull'evento
The workshop aims at creating props, puppets, banners and images to be used during a No Grandi Navi (No big Ships) demonstration on Saturday, April 20th. The Committee against big cruise ships of Venice (Comitato NO Grandi Navi) fights for the defence of the Lagoon of Venice from extractivist projects and the presence of unsustainable mega cruises. On Saturday the 20th, a demonstration on the water will leave Venice, pointing towards an island of the Lagoon, with the goal of temporarily occupying it, as a symbolic act of liberation from cruise ships and all the linked projects tampering with the fragile local ecosystem. All the props and images produced during the workshop will empower the demonstration and will lately be part of an exhibition at Sale Docks.
Taring Padi – The Institute of People Oriented Culture Taring Padi was founded in 1998 by a group of progressive art students and activists in response to the Indonesian socio-political upheavals during the country’s reformation era. As such, Taring Padi’s artistic practice is always part of and contextualised within their socio-political and cultural solidarity and action. Street protests, woodcutting workshops, art carnivals, and exhibitions in unorthodox spaces are typical of Taring Padi’s practice of producing collective and individual works. Diverse ad hoc political alliances, farming and fishing communities, as well as their own localities are places where Taring Padi work and learn together. Banners, woodcut posters, and wayang kardus (life-sized cardboard puppets), as well as the ever popular Dendang Kampungan music group are Taring Padi’s artistic formulas to agitate, educate, and organise themselves, their community, and diverse solidarity actions they are involved in. In 2002 Taring Padi became a collective in order to further inclusivity and to facilitate personal dynamic of its members, whilst maintaining its progressive and militant character in realising the potential of art as a tool for social change.
Climate Justice League – A generative co-creation of eco-warriors icons front for climate justice. The Climate Justice League will be present in the form of big cardboard puppets, ready to enter the street and march around the planet. The Climate Justice League has been launched by the Institute of Radical Imagination during the 2023 edition of the World Congress for Climate Justice,with the complicit participation of Andreco, Andrea Natella, Noura Tafeche, Serpica Naro and Dirty Art Department (Jerszy Seymour, Theo Dietz e Rosa Meulenbeld), Institute of Radical Imagination (Marco Baravalle, Emanuele Braga, Maddalena Fragnito, Gabriella Riccio, Federica Timeto) and Le Alleanze dei Corpi.
Powernotte – Was conceived in 2020 in Venice, Italy by two artists : Davide Salmaso, Rocco Cacciari and a product manager : Giuseppe Bateato. The concept was an artisanal fusion of home design and contemporary art using the mediums of sculpture and painting. The work is an investigation of the animal world within their ecosystems. And there is special attention paid to the totemic value – even amongst the smallest. Each piece is artisanally crafted, hand-made and one of a kind. This slow production, with an attention to artistry is a pushback on the mainstream production model that harms our planet. Our products cannot be identically replicated or mass produced. They are each perfectly unique.