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ven 19 apr
|Sale Docks
with Sara Buraya Boned, Elena Bleza Cabéz, Pablo García Bachiller, Jesus Carrillo, Theo Prodromidis, I-Chen Zuffellato
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Orario & Sede
19 apr 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
Sale Docks, Fondamenta Zattere Ai Saloni, 265, 30123 Venezia VE, Italia
Info sull'evento
In the framework of Raising Care Platform inciated by Insittute of Radical Imagiantion – Raising Care Acts of Qestioning bring together a group of artists, curators, activists and citizens committed with autonomous care and support networks, is gathering at Sale Docks around questions on the politicization of care, autonomous healthcare strategies and the philosophy of “buen vivir”.
with Sara Buraya Boned, Elena Bleza Cabéz, Pablo García Bachiller, Jesus Carrillo, Theo Prodromidis, I-Chen Zuffellato
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